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Frequently Asked Questions - Customer Feedback Form

Who is collecting this information? The Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) are collecting this information for local authorities. The LGMA is a state agency that provides supports and services to local government.

Why are you collecting this information? This information will be used to assess whether customers are satisfied with how services are being delivered.

Why should I fill out the survey? Your opinion counts! You can be the “voice” of the service user in your local area. Customer feedback provides valuable insight to local authorities that can be used to tailor services to better meet the needs of its customers.

Do I have to participate? No, participation in this survey is voluntary.

How long will it take? The survey is very short. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Are my answers confidential? Yes. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.

How is my personal data handled? The LGMA and local authorities collect and process minimal personal data (only gender and age group) required for conducting this survey and for anonymous statistical purposes. The LGMA routinely collects and processes statistical user information (i.e., your IP address, web browser version; pages visited, etc.). This is done only to prevent cyber-attacks against the survey website, and to support our efforts to provide optimal user experience. All the information you provide is stored securely, processed anonymously, used for the purpose you provide it, and is not shared with other parties.

How will my data be reported? The overall feedback results will be reported to local authorities orally and in written form. The results will also be monitored nationally by Committees, where members are senior local authority staff who can make decisions about how to improve services. More general information on customer satisfaction that may refer to the findings from this data are published by the LGMA in an annual customer service report. This will be available to the public on the LGMA website.